Is this not just adorable??? A mouse cake!!! And, it actually doesn't look that hard to make! It can be found at Handmade Charlotte.
Also from Handmade Charlotte, this DIY Melted Snowman Cake is just adorable! And I know it's not winter, but hey...
Is it just me, or are these just plain genius! From The Gunny Sack.
How great are these for Game Day, huh? And they're so cute! Thank you, Created by Diane!
Ok, theses are just absolutely adorable! I seriously NEED to just... try... this. Except I'm not that good at making cupcakes. But I am good at eating them (awkwardly flips hair *aw, stop, it's a special talent of mine*). Check out the recipe at Oh Joy.
These are so adorable and they look super good. Check them out on A Spicy Perspective.
These Ice Cream Sandwich Donuts from Studio DIY are just adorable, plus they look like they taste super good. Studio DIY has a lot of cool stuff, be sure to check em out.
Finally, to get everyone in the Fall spirit, a Pumpkin Cake With Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting from Cooking Classy.
Did these pics make you super hungry because that's what they did for me... Okay, seriously, bye, gotta go eat something. (-: